Animal Experimentation

Alex Ge
2 min readAug 30, 2021


How many animals are born for the sole purpose of murder? In the US alone, over 115 million animals waste away annually. Globally, over 150 million animals are sentenced to a life of misery inside the experimentations every year. So what does that mean for us as a species? It means that we are abusing our technological power to enslave harmless animals for inhumane purposes.
85% of these animals are rats and mice, born specifically for lab testing. That is more rats killed in labs than humans in Britain. Yet, humans take these rats and mice and use them to test neurotoxins, infect them with bioweapons and destroy their bodies for the sake of curiosity. PETA states that animals are killed, drilled into, burnt, or just attacked for interest. Even those who survive don’t live farther than the lab to “provide a quick death.”
The rest of the 15% consists of monkeys, pets, fish, and birds. They all have two things in common. They were separated from their families. They collapse under tremendous physical, emotional, and mental stress.
Next, you have to ask yourself. Is this all worth it? Ask especially about the several million animals dedicated to beauty products. The lipstick sitting in the bathroom could have killed hundreds of animals. The bottles of various lotions and spreads could have accounted for thousands more. And the treatments you deemed unusable, even more as well.
However, the undoubted number one use of animal testing is in vaccines and drugs. Without animal testing, vaccines would take extra time to develop and put more humans at risk. But, what justifies human lives as more valuable than millions of animal lives? Why is losing several humans to a car crash more humane than losing one to a vaccine test?
Well, that is because animals are incapable of producing aircraft, computers, cities, and software. Due to us perceiving them as low intelligence animals, we feel indifferent, like it is ethical to commit such a heinous crime. If rats and mice were the dominant species on earth and used humans to test their biological developments, it would be hard to say if they would feel as much as a shred of remorse.

